New Years Resolution.

Ten more days and we will be saying good bye to January and welcoming February. I know, it’s crazy right? Time is going really fast. I want to ask you? How are your New Years resolutions going?

On January first, Tony and I wrote very specific resolutions for 2019 and we put it on a place that we look at every day, our fridge. Every morning we get to see that paper and remind ourselves what we wanted for this year. I’m not saying we’re on track with everything single one, but we are aware of them. I don’t believe that resolutions are to create stress, but to build you! So as FEBRUARY is approaching, I want to motivate you to keep pressing on with those resolutions. They were on your heart for a reason. If you didn’t write what you want to work for in 2019, I encourage you to do it. Specially if you’re married! Sometimes one is working for something that the other person doesn’t even know. But when two people get together and work towards the same thing, it becomes an easier and intentional task.

My main goal for this year is to finish everything I start. I don’t want to leave things half way done and wonder what could have happened if I were to put a little more effort into finishing. I wrote specific areas in which I want to apply this and I’m reminded of it every time I see that paper in my fridges. Tony and I both know what we are working for and how we can help each other. I really hope to finish this year strong and to check off each of my resolutions, hope you do too!